Well...2020 was something now wasn't it?


I think we shall make this “state of the podcast” update post an annual thing. That might imply a ton of fanfare however for this newly drafted tradition we don’t have much news to update with this the year 2021. And, well that’s because 2020 was something now wasn’t it?

It’s likely no surprise and understandable to most, 2020 was about shifting priorities and focusing on what matters which is what I personally ended up doing with my year. I scrapped a lot of my anticipated production and marketing on calendar in lieu for more training, education, and guerilla style of production / social marketing. Things I had far more control over while the world was (and still is) an uncontrollable mess.

Discology still had several goals this past year, we managed to achieve a few of them, but overall it was a quiet year in response to pandemic life adjustment. The coolest accomplished was the new line of mini content called “Discology: Time Bombs”. Thirty second reviews of music for a bite size flavor directly on social platforms. Time Bombs have been a blast to produce and has been something I can turnaround within a few days of work.

Slowly, day by day and piece by piece, I’ve been managing current responsibilities and progressing life into a shape that is more ideal for what I want out of it. One that I’d have the space emotionally, physically, and financially to share my heart for music and art. Now the same battle as last year still ensues. Finding time to produce this content, then getting it delivered and discovered by people is still a major hurdle. I still feel like a fallen tree in a forest falling trees. Though I’ve been trying my best to forgive myself, leave space for life to push and pull, and to identify what I have actually agency in so I can focus on doing that better.

“Control the Controllable“ & “Done is better than Perfect”, these have been my focusing mantras.

With that I’ve also been hopeful in connecting to others, their projects and productions. Doing what I can to support them and help them support themselves in their creative endeavors. I’m as much hopeful as I am anxious which is the same but different than I was last year.


Introducing - Discology: Radio!


Introducing Discology: Time Bombs!