About the Host! ...Billy Sims
Hey World!
My name is Billy Sims and I am the host of Discology Music Club. The podcast host world is pretty new to me though I'm not new to the world of music or audio. My background revolves around music directly. I'm a musician of over 25 years (tenor sax & bass guitar), gigging for about 15 years and even toured for a bit. I graduated from Full Sail (Florida) after attending Rutgers (New Jersey) for a couple years. Some of my noteworthy music projects through the years are Libido, Nottingham, Flintface, Neighbor Carraway, Spacedog, & EpicBattleMusic. In between the music hustle, I've had my fair share of "pay the bills" jobs, tour guiding through a fake rain forest, crafting artful sandwiches, managing high demand import/export trucking, fixing babies at the crib & stroller factory, building really large trampolines & most recently entertaining/content creation at an online casino. I'm excited to be working on this project for myself and the audience. In taking this journey I hope you enjoy DMC and join in talking about music.
“Everyone has a story about how an artist did this and that for the music or how a song/album made them feel.
You’ll hear things like how Ke$ha broke into Prince’s house, or Miles Davis kicked Sting out of the studio, or that Metallica crashed in their basement in the 80s.”
The Discology podcast isn't just about me though. It's about the guests, their stories, and the conversation. I genuinely desire Discology to be a conversation that includes everyone.
I'll do my best to elevate the guests insights as well as spotlight audience thoughts, comments, etc.
So how about it?
Let's Talk About Music